This is a really late and long post, but here is a update on us. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!
We were able to get a Christmas Tree up. It was fun to put it up the first time in our new home. Roxie always likes to be in the spot light! I could not get her to move so I could take a picture. Thanks to my wonderful hubby we did get some lights on the windows outside I just never got around to taking a picture.
Christmas was great! We first started the Holiday the night before Christmas Eve. We had dinner with Steve's family. It was good to see the family before we headed up to Utah. Christmas Eve early early we woke up and started our drive to Utah. Me, Steven, and Roxie our little doggie. She is a great little dog, she was so good in the car.
Just a story of my cute husband a few hours into the trip Steven told me to get something for him out of the laptop bag. I wondered as I pulled out a silver thing with a bow around it. I didn't know what it was even though I figured it was a gift for me. He is so cute I get really bored in the car so it was for our laptop so I can watch movies in the car. I was so excited! ( when I found out what it was) I am glad he listens to me say all the time that it would really cool to be able to watch movies when we travel. He also remember to bring some Christmas movies to watch on the way. So I watched Christmas Shoes and cried the whole time of course.
So we made the long drive and actually from our new house it only took 6 1/2 hours YEAH!! We went to the Taylor traditional Christmas Eve Party! We have dinner and have the kids act out the Nativity and Santa comes! I was glad I was able to make it this year and see all my nephews sit on Santa's lap and it was Spencer's first year!
Korver a few hours after opening and then playing with his presents. He didn't even make all the way on the couch he was so exhausted.
After my sister's house we went back to my parents house to have our Christmas. Steve and I didn' t do very much we bought a WII FIT after Thanksgiving plus I told him that we got our house and that was enough. Well last minute we decided to do gifts since we already got a few things for each other. I felt bad his wasn't very exciting, but he needed tools for the house.
I was spoiled this year! Steve got me more than I got him, but the Wii fit idea was kind of what he wanted. He remember I loved this tricycle I saw a few months ago before we even got our house and I wanted to buy it for our house, but I didn't so he went and got it for me for Christmas! We are also going to go Ice Skating together! The last time we went was when we were dating like 5 years ago and I have always commented on us going and we tried to go one Valentines and dinner took too long so we didn't make it. So I am so excited I can't wait to go. Of course a movie to watch on the way home. He is so good to me. He made it a great Christmas, and of course taking a trip to Utah to see my family Best Present of All!!
We all got together as a family on Sunday. We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed being all together. All the pics of the kids presents and our presents.
We had a sleep over with them that night and watched the DVD we gave them, How to train your dragon it's sure cute!
Spencer liked opening presents! I hope he loves this elephant as much as I loved it when I first saw it in the store.
We did get snow! It was a little late since it was the day after Christmas, but it was still fun to see snow again!
I didn't think Roxie would like the snow because she hates being cold. I guess I was wrong she played in it for hours.
We had a fun trip! We came home worked for 2 days then celebrated New Years and we got to have Christmas and open presents from Steve's family. We went to a party with them that the ward put together. It was a lot fun! Good to see people from the ward again. Then we watched Knight and Day and was able to see the fireworks that they do on top of the hotels on the strip from steve's parents house. They are always cool to see, but it was freezing this year, it was colder than New York this year. Now that is CRAZY!
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