Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Early Christmas Present!

A little late, but the latest update. We moved into our house the weekend before Thanksgiving. It actually went well. We had a lot of help from Steven's family! We also had help from my parents. They came down the day we move. Which you would think it would be enough, but they also brought some stuff for our house. They brought my bed I had growing up and their old entertainment center. It was a joy to have my parents stay with us for the week in our home. It was a busy week with everything going on, but we had a lot of fun. Not to mention all the help my parents were. With going shopping for new appliances because the house needed a new dishwasher and stove. and my mom cleaning and putting stuff away while I was at work. Also my dad helping Steven put the dishwasher and stove in. I love my parents! They helped us so much and I was glad they got to see our home and be with us for Thanksgiving!
We had a great Thanksgiving! I really appreciated Steven's family for letting my parents join with all of the family !It was really nice to have them with us, it was the first time they came down to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving!
We had a good time going bowling on Thanksgiving, which is a family tradition. I am not good at bowling like Steven, but I still had fun!
We were crazy this year and did the midnight thing at Walmart. We waited in line for over 2 hours. So then getting home at 2:30 in the morning, getting about an hour in half of sleep. Then waking up to go to best buy at 5:00 and then Target at 6:00. We are crazy ,but it was an adventure. I love the tradition and it was fun doing it again with my parents. I remember going with my mom and dad to the black friday sales when I was younger. Good times!
I was glad my parents came I hope it wasn't too crazy! We had such a good time. They relieved a lot of our stresses to get some things done. We are truly grateful for all the help we received from our families.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I know we did and we have a lot to be grateful for. We have the gospel and a temple marriage. We were able to buy a beautiful home. We have good health and great families. We are so blessed!!
I will post some picture of our house soon. Still putting things away and now Christmas Decoration time! Happy Holidays!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your house, so post pictures soon!!!! I'm glad you were brave to do the black friday thing, I wish I was maybe next year!!! I'm glad you had a great thanksgiving...
